The media are quite active these days about the so-called "Climate camp" that Greenpeace set-up close to Heathrow. The purpose of this demonstration is to make people aware of the impact of aviation on the environment, as well as to fight against airport extension.
As I'm part of this industry, I guess I'm probably not exactly objective. The BBC made an excellent paper online, interviewing both Greenpeace and the BAA (British Airport Authority). I don't want to enter in the ecological debate here. As I mentionned, I'm not exactly objective, and I don't know the subject well enough to discuss it as seriously as needed.
My only wish regarding this demonstration is that it won't impact the Heathrow operation, especially not for security reasons. Greenpeace made clear that it is not their objective, and I beleive they are sincere.
Nevertheless, each time few hundreds of people do gather, some unlawful interference can occur. If some ultra-activists infiltrate the pacifist demonstration, the whole thing could turn into a riot, which would be bad for both Heathrow, Greenpeace, and the police, which is also persent in force.
I personally saw this kind of changes in a demonstration because of a few people joining it only to create some trouble. It was during the G8 gathering in Evian, close to Geneva. During the whole day, the demonstration in Geneva were quiet and peaceful, but in the evening some black-block activists mixed with the pacifists. The center of the city has been literally destroyed. Not any single shop window was intact after that.
It was hard for the police to identify the activists as they were mixed with pacific demonstrators. The result was a destroyed city, the pacific demonstration and its message were forgotten because of the riots. No winners in this.
So yes, I hope the Heathrow demonstration will remain pacific and safe to the airport operations, and that a healthy dialogue will start between ecologists and the industry.
air-stories moved to
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Greenpeace protesters arround Heathrow
airport security,
Global warming,