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Thursday, 2 August 2007

One important button...

Any modern airliner cockpit is full of buttons, even if the recent tendendy is to simplify them as possible. Each of this button has a special purpose, and some are more important than others, depending of the flight...

There is one however which I find particularly interesting, if not fun. As you know, pets travelling by air are flying in a special compartment, known as the "Animal Bay". This is a special cargo compartment, pressurized, with other particular equipment...

On the British Aerospace AvroLiner, also known as Jumbolino, the heating system of the animal bay is directly controlled from the cockpit, by a push button hidden behind the co-pilot's control colums (look at the inset on this picture).

Hopefully, the checklists are are making its use standard, otherwise airlines would regularly hand puppies back totally frozen, as the outsite air temperature at jet cruise altitude is typically in the -50°C range !

I will certainly later on publish a post on all the gadgets and gizmos found in a cockpit, but this one is so particular that it deserved its own post, don't you think so ?